Why you need Omega-3 for Skin Care

omega-3 yellow supplement tablets on blue background

Omega-3 supplements have been praised for their many health benefits, such as improving heart function and regulating blood pressure. However, these amazing supplements can also do wonders for your skin! Omega-3 supplements are one of the most powerful tools to keep your skin healthy, youthful, and glowing.  Hold on, I’m going to get all science-y…

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Extractions and How to Do Them – ABCs of Skin Care

Is your favorite part of a professional facial when the esthetician cleans out your pores? Are you ready to admit your addiction to multiple episodes of Dr Pimple Popper? Do you spend hours in the mirror scouring every pore on your face for blackheads? If you answered yes, you may have an extraction addiction. Not…

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